Hok Lay Kiong temple tour in Margahayu Bekasi West Java is a tourist place that you must visit because the charm of its beauty is second to none.
Margahayu local residents are also very friendly to local and foreign tourists. Bekasi city is also famous for the beauty of its tourist objects, one example is the Hok Lay Kiong Temple tour in Margahayu, Bekasi, West Java.
The Hok Lay Kiong temple is on Jalan Kenari 1, administratively included in Margahayu Village, East Bekasi District. Then it is located at a geographical position of 107º 00′.315 ″ BT and 06º 24 ′ 410 ″ with a height of 34 m above sea level.
This temple can be easily reached from Bekasi City with ± 10 minutes travel time using a private vehicle (four-wheeled or two-wheeled) or using public transportation in Bekasi City.
The pagoda was founded in the 18th century AD, and until now it is still used as a place of worship by Chinese people in the Bekasi area. Since the temple was built until now it is still used as a place of worship for Chinese people continuously, which in archeology is known as a live monument. The pagoda environment is located in a relatively dense residential area with boundaries to the north of Jalan Kenari, to the south, west and east of people's homes. The temple has an area of ± 700 m² and the building of the temple itself is 650 m² in size and is managed by the Tri Dharma Foundation.
Hok Lay Kiong Temple building, has undergone many changes and developments, this is in accordance with the times. However, the main entrance is retained and has never been replaced, with the original paint color. At the top, right and left side of the main entrance is a signboard. In addition, there are ornaments that illustrate the journey of Hian Thian Siang Te starting from asceticism, learning and deepening the teachings of the Tao from the teachings of Lou Tze. In addition, the original pagoda attribute is a table for storing worship equipment.